
Friday, October 12, 2012

For freedom, we must dissent economically too

A society cannot have true freedom unless they people have control of their money.  Today, we don't have control of our money and those that do have proven they cannot be trusted.  It would stand to reason that, in order to enjoy greater freedom, we need to take control of our money. Whoever controls the purse strings control the populace.

Some would say the way to taking control of our money is to buy precious metals like gold and silver.  While that's certainly good advice, I'd argue that we should consider how precious metals faired (particularly gold) in 1933 when President Roosevelt issued a call on citizen gold. Everyone had to turn in their gold and you could go to jail if you were found with any unauthrized caches. Looking at history, it's not too far fetched to believe something similar might happen again and that's why I believe we need to rely on something more intangible than precious metals.

For me, that 'something' is Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a computer generated, cryptographically secured, digital currency. Think of it as 'digital cash'.  The currency exists entirely on the Internet and your ownership of it can be easily hidden if push comes to shove. Using Bitcoin, money can be quickly transferred from person to person regardless of location and, because it's all digital, value can't be manipulated like regular currencies can. That means artificial inflation and deflation are a thing of the past and governments can't use the money supply to control its citizens by destroying its value. In fact, Bitcoin isn't controlled by any central authority. There's no one 'controlling the flow of bitcoin' and no central authority is creating it. It's completely decentralized. In essence, you become your own bank.

Bitcoin is as near to the perfect currency we're going to see in a long time and I strongly recommend investing in it (though this is NOT investment advice). I've put as much as 30% of my money into it and have been happy to watch the price rise over the last few months. Indeed, I've made quite a profit. But I'm not selling! No, I'm holding on to my Bitcoins for when I really need them. Plus, I believe the value is going to skyrocket if and when a financial meltdown happens. The bigger the crisis, the better Bitcoin will appreciate.

:If you're interested in learning more about Bitcoin, take a few minutes and view the video at the top of this post. It's a great explanation of what the currency is and why you should use it. And, of course, if you have questions, feel free to post them here.

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